Wedding and Exam Stress

In 2015, my sister Joanna and her partner Robert were due to be married and I was a bridesmaid (happy face). I was delighted and was looking forward to the wedding, however it was in May and so were my exams – PANIC!!

As you can imagine, in the months before the wedding my sister wanted me to attend dress fittings, look at flowers and contribute my opinion on these. This is what any sister or bridesmaid should do for the bride but I was juggling work, university and studying when I was at home. I felt under an enormous amount of pressure from university as these last 3 exams would give me my degree (if I passed them)! I wanted to be there for my sister and contribute towards the wedding plans, but at the same time I had to study for my exams and complete coursework. It was a nightmare!!!

My sister tried to be understanding as she knew university was important to me, but this didn't stop me feeling as if I was letting her down. I should have been focussing all my attention on the wedding preparations and hen weekend. I did go on the hen weekend; my exams were the following week – crazy I know!
Sisters; Love. 
After my last exam there was still a few days to the wedding, I told Joanna whatever you need I'm here! I wasn't as involved as I should have been but this was due to my commitments at university! On the wedding day Joanna was a beautiful bride!! I spent the day and night running around after her and rightly so, I hadn't been the bridesmaid she deserved (sad face).
Beautiful Bride

I wish now that I had somehow managed my time better, I knew the wedding and exams were in the same month. I had plenty of notice, if only I was more prepared!




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