Honours Project
Dissertation Presentation
Today was just awful, not that I expected anything different on a Monday morning. Firstly, I had a 4-hour lecture which started at 9 am, what a way to start my day! Then, after my lecture I had a 40-minute break before my Dissertation presentation, I was absolutely terrified. The image below basically sums up how felt today when I left uni!
Forgot all my helpful notes - Wonderful!! |
I had been preparing for my presentation since last week and at the weekend, trust me not the best way to spend your weekend off work!! This is the reason I haven’t posted for a few days; I honestly haven’t had a minute to myself – MAJOR PRESSURE!!
I created my presentation using PowerPoint, I thought about using Prezi but then decided against it as it was more time consuming! The purpose of the presentation was, to inform my Supervisor and Moderator of my progress, highlight any issues and work still to be completed for my honours project. I made little notes under each slide, to use as keywords in case I forgot what to say - well that didn’t work! I honestly can’t remember a single thing I said, I’m sure I even missed out key points that I wrote on the slides. Those cute little keywords may have well not existed, I completely forgot about them and made stuff up!
I didn’t think I would have been so nervous, especially since it was on my dissertation, a topic that I had chosen to study. Boy was I wrong! I was shaking, sweating profusely and went into panic mode during the presentation and started rambling on. I forgot to set my timer, the presentation was scheduled to last 15 minutes, with a further 5 minutes at the end for questions. I have no idea how long I rambled on for, I was just glad when I got to my last slide.
Then came the dreaded question time! This wasn’t actually as bad as I thought it would be, I was able to answer the questions which I took as a good sign. However, I was told that I was too honest in the presentation, I didn’t know this was possible!! When I asked why, I was told there is no need to tell the audience you have no idea what to do now!! HONESTLY I COULD HAVE CRIED WITH EMBARRASSMENT!! I don’t even remember saying that, I obviously didn’t plan on saying it, I was rambling and in no state to make logical sense.
When I left the presentation I badly needed to get home and shower, the joys of pressure, stress and sweat – LOVELY!! My friend Jasmen was waiting outside for me, I totally forgot she was outside watching through the window! She tried to calm me down (what a cutie) and told me I sounded really good and knew what I was talking about. She obviously didn’t hear my ‘I have no idea what to do now’ comment!! When I checked my twitter Jasmen had tweeted a funny little picture about listening to my presentation, it made me laugh so much. (perhaps not appropriate to show here, but feel free to check my twitter).
I am so glad this crazy Monday is over and my presentation is done. Who needs the 10% mark that it adds to their honours project? No, but seriously I do actually need it!!!
Overall, another fun Monday at uni – NOT!!!
Bet you have done fab Karen