Here and Now

Ok, enough of sharing my past experiences lets focus on the here and now. So, today was my day off from work – If only It was a proper day off from everything.

I woke up so tired, yesterday I was working till 10pm and didn’t get to bed until 3am this morning – BOO! I was up working on my dissertation, researching articles and attempting some primary research. You would think, after nearly 4 years at university I would be used to studying until the small hours -  but no its still HORRIBLE!
Fun day off!!
Anyway, today I have spent some time (actually rather a lot of time) trying to fix this blog. I never realised how time consuming it would be and frustrating! I had planned to do some more work on my honours project but time has kind of ran away from me – That happens a lot when I’m studying!

So, now its nearly 8pm I’ve not had any dinner but I have painted my living room and worked on this blog. Painting the living room was actually my break away from studying. Sad really isn’t it, my break from studying involves housework. I need more hours in the day, along with more sleep!!

I actually can’t remember the last time I’ve had a day off, where I haven’t done university work or been worrying about it. Some of my friends invited me out tonight but I had to say no (how annoying) as I still have loads to do tonight. I’m also in university at 9am tomorrow morning, I couldn’t think of anything worse sitting in a 2 hour lecture hungover!

Even when I’m off work I’m studying and when I’m at work I’m studying on my break! Surely this has to be worth it in the end!!

Time for dinner now, until next time



  1. Stephen Gardiner2 March 2016 at 22:16

    Your blog's great - loving the diary of a mature student!
    Always think back on my college days as being good times, but reading your blog reminds me how hard some of it actually was (you'll understand what I mean in another 20 years!!! lol).

    1. Thanks Stephen, yes it's not all fun and games at the moment LOL!
