
Hello there! My name is Karen, I’m 26 and in my Honours year at university studying Business Technology. 

Selfie .....

As part of my coursework for my Digital Marketing module I have to create a blog, the topic of the blog was for me to decide upon. Since I am a mature student I thought I would share my experience of life at university with others. For me returning to education as a mature student was very daunting, therefore I hope to share my positive experiences and advice with others. Although, not every experience has been a positive one! There has been tears and tantrums along the way.

I began university 2 months before my 22nd birthday, which when you think about it isn’t that old at all. Nevertheless, I was deemed a mature student in the eyes of the education system! When I started I was delighted to see there was a variety of age groups enrolled on my course, this made me feel more relaxed. I wasn’t the only one who had decided to return to education a little later than most people expected.

I think both my parents and siblings were pretty surprised that I returned to education, I’m not exactly the brain box of the family! This was a fresh start for me, a chance to make something of myself and choose my own path in life. I had life experience but not the academic qualifications to change career path, I do enjoy my current job but don’t see it being my ‘Forever Career’.

The first couple of posts in my blog will reflect on events from my first 3 years at university, along with some helpful information and advice (I hope). Returning to university as a mature student is the best decision I ever made, I was ready to work hard and put the effort in.

I don’t regret it for a single minute, (unless I’m having a bad day).




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